• Servicing the Triangle Area: Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Wake Forest, Cary, and Hillsborough NC


Your pet has conjunctivitis without any evidence of a corneal ulcer at this time. Conjunctivitis is most commonly associated with allergies in dogs, but can also be a contagious infection (like "pink-eye" in humans). 

For Your pet's continued care at home I recommend the following:
Elizabethan collar (e-collar) if your pet is rubbing at the eye to prevent any trauma. He does not appear to be rubbing the eye at this time. 

Neomycin/polymyxin/dex- eye antibiotic and steroid- instill small ribbon of ointment into both eyes every 12 hours for 7 days. **it is important that this medication only be used under veterinary direction. Some eye conditions can be worsened by this medication. 

Medical progress examination- please schedule a recheck examination if you are not seeing a positive response to medication within a few days, or if you feel like the eye is getting worse and not better. 

Thank you for having me out to see your pet today. Eye concerns are always something we want to see within 24 hours of onset. I'm glad this one seems to be nothing serious :) Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns. 

How do I get my pet scheduled?
If your pet is an existing patient of Local Mobile Vet, simply fill out the appointment request form, and we will reach out to get an appointment scheduled.

If we have never seen your pet before, fill out the New Client Form and we will reach out to help you determine if we are the right fit for you and your pet.